How it all started
My love of the german shepherd dog started in my very early years in Ziest, Holland.
Both my parents loved the GSD so it was only natural to have one as part of the family. Our first boy Hero was the son of Ch Atlas v Elfenhain SchH1. Hero was one of my siblings just a bit hairy, so when we had to move to Australia we were heartbroken because he had to stay behind with our uncle Ben.
It was always my fathers dream to breed and show the GSD but alas through circumstances it never came about and when the time was right his life was cut short. GSD's were always a part of the family so it was no surprise when the time was right I purchase my own black gsd Ada, She was no show dog but excelled in the obedience ring.
Married and having four small children the luxuray of breeding and showing was out of the question, I was just happy enough to own one as part of the family
So it wasnt until finances and time permitted was I able to fully indulge, My first show dog was purchased from Stunadel Kennels. Stunadel Highly Strung or known to us as Khan. I learnt a lot from Khan and we had our successes, the most exciting one was winning BIS (best in Show) He taught me a lot It was not all about showing, winning or loosing but more importantly understanding and appreciating this beautiful breed So in the year 2000 Brigenti Kennels were born. I went on to buy my then foundation bitch Crajendo Bardo and she produced some beautiful prodigy Brogenti Dartagnan (Rudi) being one of them. He suceeded in the speciality ring as well as the All breeeds. Obtaining his Australian championship at a very early age and BIS.
In 2011 I purchaed my first imported girl Karma von Schwarzaugen from the Schwarzaugen Kennels. Her beautiful daughter Brigenti Harmony Gold (Piper) has up to date been a very sucessful show girl and a absolute bundle of character.
Contact Details
Gentiana MansfieldKolodong, NSW, Australia
Phone : 0265527072 or mbl 0408169924
Email : [email protected]